How To Join Verify4lookalike Community?

If you think that your Domain Name could be in dispute any time in future, you need to join VLAS community which could provide the first line of defence against any unreasonable claim against your Domain name.

To Join the Community you need to follow the following two steps.

Step 1: Make payment of Rs 1000/- through Naavi's Payment Center for each of your domain you would like to register for the service. (It is immaterial how many look alike sites are finally brought into the list), ensuring that your name and the name of the domain is mentioned in the particulars of payment along with the words "Request for VLAS.

Step 2 : Send an e-mail to VLAS Center

Indicate in the e-mail, the name of the domain, your name and the payment reference.

Step 3: When you receeve the html code from the service manager, incorporate it on the home page of the site. Upload the required html/gif file to your web folder.

In view of the increasing use of the Pop up box filters, the code will consist of both a pop up window code which is the recommended way of pushing the information to the visitor and an image file. Both are recommended for incorporation on the website. The image should ideally be placed prominently so that the visitor may not miss it.

Your service will now be up and ready.

If you have any specific sites to be added to the list, you can use the "Suggest Site" form to include them.

If you have more than one site to register, you can use separate registration forms.

VLAS manager will periodically update the list through a comprehensive pre-programmed search and information collection process. 

[Visit the FAQ page for more details or contact the VLAS manager for additional information.]

As a result of this service, every member will have a " Third Party Maintained Disclaimer Service" that proclaims that the owner has no intention to pass off the site as that of the Trade Mark owner's. It would therefore be a strong defense against any charge of "Bad Faith".

If however, any visitor to the member site observes that any other look alike site needs to be added to the list, a suitable provision would be available for such addition on request. In case the visitor would like to pursue his legal rights, an alternative dispute resolution mechanism through an arbitration center would also be provided.

After exhausting the remedies of getting a disputed look alike site added to the list, and arbitration, if the parties want to take the dispute for resolution to a Court of Law, they would be free to do so.

Thus, while the service does not infringe on the existing legal rights of any trade mark owner, it provides a means by which two URL owners can agree to co-exist peacefully with the confidence that neither of them is unduly taking advantage of the superior "Brand Image" of one of the persons.

This service is a first of its kind service and is intended to be of benefit to the Community. The service does not however encourage its use for any site owner trying to pass off his offerings as that of a Registered trade Mark owner by virtue of the "Look and Feel" or other representations on the web site.

To Avail the Service Visit make the payment here